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 Little Home Histories, Part 15 -- The Francis Davis House.

by Stanton, Joseph E.

See previous entry: Little Home Histories, Part 14 -- The Clay Pike.

When I was a very small boy, my grandfather and grandmother, Francis and Mary Davis, decided to build a larger and more modern house so that they might be better prepared to entertain visiting Friends, especially so at Yearly Meeting time.

They made a deal with my father and moved their house over onto his land near his greenhouses, and built a new home on the site of their old one.

The new house, which was two and one-half stories high, rectangular in shape, with a one story all in the rear, made an unusual appearance with its four large red brick chimneys and a lookout on top of the roof.

From this lookout, one had a broad view of the surrounding neighborhood. The house itself being located on top of one of the highest hills in Belmont County and exactly on the watershed between the Ohio and Muskingum rivers. In fact, the rain which fell on one part of the roof drained off to the Ohio and from the other part to the Muskingum river.

This new house was considered quite modern and up to date, having gas lights and running water. It also had a few features which show that the idea of entertaining was considered when the plans were being drawn. One was the twin parlors separated by folding doors, which when open threw the two into one. Another was the third story which was finished in one huge room from one end of the house to the other. This room furnished sleeping quarters for men and boys while the four large bedrooms on the second floor took care of the women and girls.

The large dining room was, no doubt, of interest to many of their guests, for as I remember, grandfather was a generous provider and grandmother was a good cook.

Source: Written by: Joseph E. Stanton, Westtown, Pa.

See next entry: Little Home Histories, Part 16 -- Joseph F. Doudna.

For the table of contents and first entry in this series, please see: Little Home Histories, Part 01 -- Table of Contents and Introduction.

This entry is adapted from Little Home Histories in Our Early Homes, Belmont County, Ohio, which was published in 1942. Its publication was coordinated by Robert D. and Beulah Patten McDonald. This entry has been reedited for inclusion in the Pierian Press Fulltext eBooks database, and is included on the Stratton House Inn Website by special permission. This entry is licensed for use ONLY on this Website. It may be used for educational purposes and personal pleasure under fair-use provisions via this Website. Please note that the Stratton House Inn iteration of this entry does NOT include the subject headings assigned each chapter for use in the Fulltext eBooks database.

DATABASE: Fulltext eBooks: Copyright (c) 2002 The Pierian Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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