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Stratton House Inn :: Flushing, Ohio Photographs of Stratton House Inn
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Historic/Scenic Roads

Olney Friends School
   Aaron Frame's Diary
   Mary Smith Davis

Belmont County
Bicentennial Minutes
Bonny Belmont
Little Home Histories
Howe's History
Belmont Apple
Flushing Ohio
George Washington
Johnny Appleseed
John Brown's Raid
Rural Electrification

Harrison County
Franklin Museum
George/Tom Custer
Morgan's Raid 1863
Black Baseball Hero

Jefferson County
James Logan
Mount Pleasant

Brief History of Inn

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 Morristown's Drummer

by Marie Bundy

Robert Mitchell, an early settler in Morristown was a drummer in the Revolutionary War. His wife would say that the hardest days work she had ever done was to "cut patches and mould bullets" for the soldiers in 1776. During the war of 1812, this old drummer boy beat his drum for recruits in Morristown. The custom with him was to drum awhile until a crowd had gathered around him, then he ceased playing, placed his drum down upon the ground and laid a silver piece on top of it. Whoever stepped up and lifted the money was considered enlisted for service. Captain Robert Morrison's company, recruited mainly from Union Township was the first company organized in Belmont County during the war of 1812.

Source: The History of Belmont & Jefferson Counties






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