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Stratton House Inn :: Flushing, Ohio Photographs of Stratton House Inn
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Historic/Scenic Roads

Olney Friends School
   Aaron Frame's Diary
   Mary Smith Davis

Belmont County
Bicentennial Minutes
Bonny Belmont
Little Home Histories
Howe's History
Belmont Apple
Flushing Ohio
George Washington
Johnny Appleseed
John Brown's Raid
Rural Electrification

Harrison County
Franklin Museum
George/Tom Custer
Morgan's Raid 1863
Black Baseball Hero

Jefferson County
James Logan
Mount Pleasant

Brief History of Inn

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 Wolf Hunting Near Barnesville, Ohio

by Marie Bundy

Otho French, who lived in Tacoma, east of Barnesville, was well known for his skill in hunting during the early 1800s. During the winter of 1815, he captured six wolves in his traps set in the Leatherwood valley. The last wolf upon seeing Mr. French laid down as quietly as a dog. He thought it was of the kind that they said could be handled like a kitten. Mr. French came up and touched it and it showed its teeth--he reached his hat out to it, which was seized and torn to pieces. Mr. French then determined to take it home alive. Having, with the assistance of a friend, secured and muzzled it, he started home. As he passed through Barnesville, he caused quite an excitement by having a live wolf tied on his horse behind him.

Source: History of Belmont & Jefferson Counties






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